Who You Work with Matters.
An early look at the Northern Virginia real estate market, especially what level of Buying activity might occur in January & February.
What does market data mean if you are considering the purchase or sale of a house? Don't guess.
Data is meaningless without a Top-Tier Agent to interpret what it means - and just as important, what it does not mean - in your particular buying or selling circumstance.
Using Fairfax County as a barometer for the Northern Virginia real estate market, the monthly Showings & Contracts data indicate the following:
Showings in January & February are equal to or higher than in July through the end of Year, so the ‘Spring Buying Season’ starts early each Year.
Showings in October & November 2024 were significantly higher than 2023, with Showings exceeding 2022 levels for the first time in two years.
Contracts in September, October, November, & December 2024 were significantly higher than 2023, with Contracts exceeding 2022 levels for the first time in two years.
The Bi-Weekly Under Contract totals are similar from mid-January through the end of February, with a 30-40% increase in March.
The quality, credibility, and experience of the agent you work with will have a decisive effect on your house buying or selling result. Contact me to discuss how I can help you with your real estate needs.